Thursday, February 3, 2011

Of things that work.....and things that don't...


you know that feeling.....when you have to make a tough decision, a difficult one, an important one....and you just know what to do. You know what's know where you want to go with know things will just work out......

more often than not....that feeling is wrong. You WILL make the wrong decision. You WILL screw up.....and life will go to hell...

Anywho...on that positive note....lets start a brand new post!!

It's been a's been a bitch (as usual)....and lotsa things have happened. (Some better than others)

A new country, a new city, a new school and a new phase in life....

some of it is working....i mean a new country and city part. Its nice...different, challenging, exciting and all that goes with having a brand new experience. You njoy it. You relish it. you have craved it for so long, that you don't know what to do now that you have it.....(It's almost like when the dog chases the car, but what is it going to do when it catches it?? I mean really?? I think i read that example somewhere by the way...not mine originally. Or was it a movie....damn i'm getting old!)

I like the exploring part. yr 2011 is the "Year of travel". I have convinced travel! I mean where, birmingham, leeds, switzerland....goa for crying out loud!! but travel i will....(If only i could find a sugar mama to fund all this by the way!) But it is something i will do. I always wanted to do that. See the world, see new places, new cultures, meet new people...well not really new ppl, cos ppl are overrated..(more on that later)...but yeah travel in general!

The studies aren't half bad either. Not exactly what i expected, but hey....screw that...i'll make what i can of can wait....

I love the high speed broadband!! fast downloads...and i can actually watch streaming content without having to wait for stuff to buffer!! woo hoo!! but i still prefer dloading for hd content. I love the fact that i can watch football matches at reasonable times. No more staying up at 3 in the morning for champs league!!

then there's the things that don't....the course, the people, the god damn weather!! Without going into too many details...on the course....i got much more than i bargained a bad way! (I could write a whole blog on we shall leave that for now...) i miss the grp back home! ppl are honestly waaaaay overrated and invariable full of themselves and not even worth their weight in cheap stone!!! and u never know what side of them u'll see...a bit like the weather here..u never know when the sun will suddenly disappear and u'll get swept off by 80kmph winds!! (And not swept off ur feet in a nice way either!!) i guess the weather is what gets ppl also going ditsy!

but hey! it all is part of how it works out i guess thats how the cookie crumbles, thats how the cards fall and other smart metaphors and so on and so forth because afterall...shit happens and life goes on!


Metzy said...

Do I really look like a man with a plan? am a dog chasing cars but I don't know what ill do if I caught it. - Joker (Dark Knight)

King Nothing said...

aaaaaah yes right!!