Sunday, February 13, 2011

Diary of an addict....

....gambling addict that is!

Yes! Me! Gambling! i tell you how the world can change quickly. (One fine day its all good, life is great and then BAM!! you don't even know what hit you and life is pear shaped and ur going down a hill without brakes on a rickety vehicle to certain gloom and doom till things go boom.....only this time not in Dexter's lab)

So how u ask. Ah!! cher ami.....just like that i say!

It all started with a rather innocuous trip to Leeds for a day. (Don't ask why...i think i just needed to get out...) So then here i was walking around in leeds chilling (quite literally), shopping in the market, walking the city and u know other general touristy stuff. Then i watched the derby at a local pub. Which was rather fun...and then...well yeah that's where the aforementioned BAM! happens (even though the aforementioned BAM! is relating to something else entirely, but the basic principal is the same...)Well, i basically had nothing else to do. Really! I had time till 9 in the evening. It was 3. So then what does one do? So i said "what the hell, lets visit casino"....(No really...those were the precise words i said... Aloud.... To myself... I tend to do that when nobody is around. I find myself to be a good listener. The only problem is that people tend to be around more often than i think...and then ofcourse they think i'm weird)

So i go to casino, register and all that and get chips worth 25 pounds. To a novice gambler, that is a lot of chips! trust me. U feel like ur gonna win before u even start. Why? bcos u have like 50 chips!! (each chip is half a pound) So then i start, tentatively at roulette. and voila! I win! And i win again! and again! till i think..."Shit! this stuff is simple. how do idots manage to lose money!!" (And i realise later that, that sort of thinking is precisely why people lose money!! We'll get to that in a bit)

So then finally i leave at around 9 having made a cart load compared to the 25 i started with! (Not a real cart load. And cart load in my terms which would technically be anything more than 25, but here it really was more than 25...but lets stay off numbers.....ooh what the was 120! I know!!) So then, i think..."Lets try this more often. That way no part time work!! (Refer to previous post about how part time work sucks etc etc) So then i play! again! the next day! And?? BAM!! just like that i lose 30 pounds! so....moral of the story.....get a life....don gamble. U will lose! There aren't so many successful casinos bcos people win.....the house always wins! (And no not ur don't bet ur house....u will lose it) So do something more sleep, or read, or write a blog....

But if u look at it....i did make over 100 and lose 30 over the 2 technically, i am still in the i can still...No No! must stop. Should not gamble! (Frustrated hitting of head against wall and holding onto something to stop legs from walking back to casino!) no no no no!!!!

"Can i have chips for 40 pounds please??" And it begins....again....

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