Sunday, February 6, 2011

Wherever I may roam...

....I still land back where i started....may be it has something to do with the fact that the world is round and all that...(Damn you Copernicus and Galileo!!)


so then I made an early morning visit to a racecourse!! Fancy right! i mean only the rich and loaded guys with nothing better to do go to racecourses right? (And to play golf..i never got the point of the game..its slow, boring and's not really a game is it??) but guess what, yours truly, did just that! Before you get any ideas (of asking me for a loan...) it was to look for a job....albeit part-time. The travails of a student these days i tell you. Part time work is the only thing that can help me survive, and sometimes you have to travel at 9:30 in the morning for that! (I'll cover the pains of having to work while studying in a later post...for now...lets stay on topic...)

So then, i leave to get to this place that's just 15 mins away by train...piece of cake right? Wrong! the damn trains are shut for the day. I mean seriously, i don't make this shit up. Things actually seem to be going wrong like its a documentary on Murphy's life. (Sometimes i feel i am in this reality show with Murphy looking over and putting me through various situations to prove his theory...freaky!) So what choice do I have, but to catch the bus. Credit to the service here that they have a "Rail Replacement" service! So it's not half as bad...right? Wrong again! the bus doesn't go all the way. He drops us off near a railway station and you have to catch the train for the last 2 stops. (And as if to make some sort of morbid point, he drops me off near a jail....hmmm) So then i take a train and voila!! i'm there! (Hugs, claps and high fives all around!!)

The racecourse itself isn't too's ok. the lack of horses was a major factor in giving that impression i think...

So then i'll be working at this place, so lets see how that pans out in the long term...

And talking bout travelling....i've been trying (trying being the key word'll see why soon nuf) to do a europe trip. I'd be quiet the loser if i didn't inspite of being in Europe..(not that i am not one already...but hey....a guy can hope right!) But it's just so damn difficult....expensive more precisely! Actually the whole Schengen thing is the pain....i don't so much mind the costs. Apping for a Schengen is like getting a damn job! the only thing they don have is a job interview.

So why do you want to go to (insert country here)? Why should we let you go? What do you bring to the country? How long were you in the last country? What was your reason for leaving? Why did the chicken cross the schengen border? Why did the pope cross the road? What's that? because he crosses everything...hahah true true!!'s so much easier if ur born in like france or italy or spain or so on and so forth! You can literally decide on friday to go to another country! While i have to plan a bloody month in advance! I mean most days i don't know what i'm doing later the same day and you're asking me to plan a month in advance? If I could do that I wouldn't be here doing what I'm doing now, would i? (I know u need a little background to understand that....but i'm in no those who do..good for you...those who don't...well not like u care anyway..)

So that remains a pipe dream now....though to my credit i seem to have made a sort of plan that just needs a minor fleshing out! (Woo hoo!! More back slapping and high fives!! this is turning into a rather happy post n'est ce pas?) then let's see how all that pans out....till then...we will wait..we will see...we will hope. Why? Because without hope we don't have anything. (Or some such....don quite remember the's from the Matrix!)

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