Thursday, February 10, 2011

à tout le monde.....à tous mes amis....

.....ou est le soleil? i mean really? where is the sun? I haven't seen it in like....oooh there it is....Just as i Say i haven't seen it in ages. It's so nice and bright. the advantages of having an east facing room i tell you and it's .....Oh come on!! It's gone again??

Such is life in the land of the queen. I heard somewhere recently that Britain used to be called the "Kingdom on which the sun never set", but it's actually the "Kingdom where the sun never rises". True True....


So the first para has nothing to do with the title of the blog...After writing the title the first phrase (Ou est le soleil...for those with short term memory loss) came to mind. It was made famous by Lance Armstrong on the Tour de france on a particularly rainy day. So i though...hey!! why not crap about it hanh?? And there were words...(Not particularly making sense, but words nevertheless...)

So whats the post about anyway? Nothing in particular i must admit....just a random title for a random post on a blog full of random a nice ring to it, don't it?

incidentally it also a song by Megadeth. Which brings me to comment on the fact that I am out of songs. Really! I am tired of my current collection. Well not tired. I still enjoy them a lot, but I need some new stuff. I have been adding songs little by little, title by title, over the years, but it's time for "a step change" (in management lingo. See ma i am studying!!). I need to add like a new artist, or album, or genre. I have a whole lot of genres already, but am still far from having a lot of really good music out there.

The best part of the sources of my music has been that they have rarely been conventional. A lot of my better songs have been collected after hearing them on the OST of a movie or series or some such! I tell you...the amount of time i have spent after watching a movie trying to figure out what a particular song is and dloading it! I have actually sat thru credits at cinemas to read the song title or artist. Sometimes, I have tried to memorise the lyrics to come back and then google it! Scavenger hunt at a whole new level i tell you!

Anyway, of late though I am watching more series online (All hail high speed broadband!!) I still don't have ideas for any new music.

the other thing on my mind has been dum dum dum...dumda dum dumda dum!! Darth Vader!! But that deserves a whole new I shall write sometime soon!

Till then....ok tata bbye!

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