Monday, March 9, 2009

At 12:01 in the morning??

Here I am on Tuesday morning writing a blog post…just gives you an insight into how totally bored with life and completely jobless I am. Seriously….who writes a blog at 12:01 in the morning?? Then again…who admits to writing a blog at 12:01 in the morning? Either way it makes me quiet the loser….but hey…things could be worse! (Not really, atleast I can’t think how they could be worse…but for the benefit of this blog and my ego we shall assume that they could be.)

Just finished watching Crash….the movie from ages back which I never watched. It was really good actually. Never expected it to be anything beyond ordinary or interesting, but it was really good. I could have done a lot of other more interesting things with my time, (Once again, we assume that this is true) but chose instead to watch the movie from my ever increasing list of downloaded movies. 105 I have in total right now….of which there are a few I haven’t even watched. Crash was one of those and boy am I glad I watched that today! Makes me feel a lot better…don’t ask me why. Today was yet another day when I fell asleep in the cab, and had a real power nap! So though I am seriously short of quality sleep of late, I feel fresh as morning dew right now! (That’s morning dew…not mountain dew…its not a spelling mistake!) Which is not a good thing actually seeing as I need to be awake in like 7 hrs from now to get back to work!

Work’s been quiet good lately, (rather surprisingly!) with interesting stuff happening and things kinda beginning to fall into place on a number of fronts. There are still some major stuff to be sorted for me, but as a general rule things are going fine. My channel is finally launching this Sunday! Woo hoo! Can’t wait to see it on air..(and get it out of the system!) But with the month being March, life gets a bit hectic as well. You know taxes and stuff! Boy I wish I could pay somebody to just do that stuff. As in not even ask me or tell me or consult me or whatever! I’ll pay you…you handle it! If I don’t hear the word taxes’ll be too soon!

Yeah well…that’s about it for now…nothing else really. Except that it’s a holiday this Wednesday for yeah mid week holiday! Makes the week so much more interesting!

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