Monday, March 9, 2009

At 12:01 in the morning??

Here I am on Tuesday morning writing a blog post…just gives you an insight into how totally bored with life and completely jobless I am. Seriously….who writes a blog at 12:01 in the morning?? Then again…who admits to writing a blog at 12:01 in the morning? Either way it makes me quiet the loser….but hey…things could be worse! (Not really, atleast I can’t think how they could be worse…but for the benefit of this blog and my ego we shall assume that they could be.)

Just finished watching Crash….the movie from ages back which I never watched. It was really good actually. Never expected it to be anything beyond ordinary or interesting, but it was really good. I could have done a lot of other more interesting things with my time, (Once again, we assume that this is true) but chose instead to watch the movie from my ever increasing list of downloaded movies. 105 I have in total right now….of which there are a few I haven’t even watched. Crash was one of those and boy am I glad I watched that today! Makes me feel a lot better…don’t ask me why. Today was yet another day when I fell asleep in the cab, and had a real power nap! So though I am seriously short of quality sleep of late, I feel fresh as morning dew right now! (That’s morning dew…not mountain dew…its not a spelling mistake!) Which is not a good thing actually seeing as I need to be awake in like 7 hrs from now to get back to work!

Work’s been quiet good lately, (rather surprisingly!) with interesting stuff happening and things kinda beginning to fall into place on a number of fronts. There are still some major stuff to be sorted for me, but as a general rule things are going fine. My channel is finally launching this Sunday! Woo hoo! Can’t wait to see it on air..(and get it out of the system!) But with the month being March, life gets a bit hectic as well. You know taxes and stuff! Boy I wish I could pay somebody to just do that stuff. As in not even ask me or tell me or consult me or whatever! I’ll pay you…you handle it! If I don’t hear the word taxes’ll be too soon!

Yeah well…that’s about it for now…nothing else really. Except that it’s a holiday this Wednesday for yeah mid week holiday! Makes the week so much more interesting!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Gloom and Doom...and things go Boom!

So…………..its been a while since the last post…2 and a half weeks almost. I’ve actually lost track of the number of things that have happened during that time. Not like I’ve been rocking the party scene or some such…but just generally….life has just flown by!!

No seriously…it couldn’t have been more obvious than the trip back home today. I get off work, get into a cab and…BAM! 5 mins I am faaaaaaaast asleep! The next thing I know, the cabby is telling me, “Saab! Abhi right lena hai ya left?” I was like, what? We just took off dude…don’t tell me you don’t know the way!! And then I realized I was right outside the colony road and the dude did have a valid question. (It was also kinda freaky that he knew the way uptil there without directions since I live in some remote corner that most cabbies, especially from lower parel, have never heard of. Or maybe I gave him directions I don’t remember…like that other time when….never mind) So anyway, here we are having driven for about 80 mins and all I was awake for was the first 5! Boy, was I exhausted!

Its been like that for almost a month and half now! I’ve been tired, exhausted, beat, burnt out…whatever you want to call it. And I don’t know why! I think its mental more than physical! I’m mentally just not there….or here…or anywhere for that matter! I need a vacation…a break..for a month or so! (Since, that’s not going to happen, I’d settle for a week!) The batteries are seriously low on fluid and as Steve Slater would say…”I’m running on fumes!!” (That’s F1 for the uninitiated..) Work too has been slow. Not that I don’t have work…its just been slow! I’ve managed to finish off stuff, but without quiet being there! You know that feeling when you know you’ve done something but could have done so much better if only you were feeling better?? That!

But I did have some fun in the meantime as well…..all was not gloom and doom..(when things go BOOM! Dexter’s laaaaaaaaaab!!! I loved that song!)

I did manage to finish 2 books…both good, interesting ones. But somehow I think I haven’t really found a truly amazing book of late inspite of my Crosswords sojourns. You know the Da Vince Code, Pelican Brief types. They’ve all been ok. Not too bad..not too good. I miss the days when I could sit and read Hardy Boys and Nancy Drews and think, “Wow! Good Book!” You eventually grow out of them and expect more and then realize there are not too may excellent writers out there. There are a few good ones, but no great ones. It’s all too commercial I think. Authors don’t give themselves time to write a truly good book. They are too caught up with deadlines, not unlike lesser mortals like us (or me atleast!) Makes you wonder what the conversation between a writer and his agent would be like…

Writer: Look, I need more time to finish this book. Writing a book is a long and painstaking process! I need to find the right characters, right situation, right plot and the right ending. I can’t just throw some people together and make a story!

Agent: Yeah I know that and I totally understand. But we have promised the publishers Saturday, and today’s already Wednesday…so we need to work towards…..

Writer: The publishers can go to hell…all I care about is my book. If it’s not ready it’s not ready. Tell them that!

Agent: Hm…oh. Ok. But that would mean that you would have to forfeit 80% of the balance on the book…

Writer: Ok then. How does this sound? 5 people on a deserted island, a murderer is on the loose, one of the girls is really hot and finally her boyfriend is the murderer.

Agent: Can this be done by Friday?

Writer: I’ll give it to you on Thursday..

Agent: Great!

Then the writer makes a million bucks and the cover of his book says, “The number one bestseller”, “Absolute page-turner” etc, etc. He walks away with a 7 figure earning, the agent gets his 20% and losers like me pay 300 bucks for it!

Anyway with that self de-grading thought I’d close the blog for today. My ear is slammed shut and I can’t hear a thing. Need to go get that looked at. So see you, tata, bbye and adios!

Monday, February 2, 2009

In sickness and in health.....

T’was a bad week this. It really was! I was sick for most of it, which meant that I didn’t really get out and do much. Still managed to get my sorry ass into office from Wednesday to Friday though, (Albeit for only half the day!)….but hey! Atleast I made the effort!

Rather sad though that I can’t say the same about my gymming. I went regularly from Dec 28 to about Jan 20, after which due to a combination of long work hours and hence general exhaustion and sickness (as well as a generous dose of laziness) I have not seen the inside of the gym I paid a bomb for in a long time! (12 days to be precise!!) Rather sad considering that it was my new year’s resolution and such. (Apparently, gym membership increases and gyms also see highest turnout for the first few months every year. Then the turnout steadily dwindles till the next Jan where the pattern repeats!! It’s a fact! Gyms make a killing on the New Year’s resolution hype!! I’m a living example!) Anyways…I’m hoping to make it to the gym before end of day today. (I’m contemplating the actions even as I write these words. You see I need to get up, change, pack my gym bag, drive all the way to the gym, gym, drive back… I’m so bored!!) Where there’s a will, there’s a way!! Let’s see if that works!

Talking of will though, Federer seems to have lost all will to even try and beat Rafa. He seems content to take him to 5 sets and then just play out the fifth for the heck of it. I can understand his frustration….I really can! Rafa’s good. He’s bordering on excellent, for crying out loud! But Federer, the master of all that panache, charisma, beauty and sauveness that is tennis, should really be making more of the Nadal matches. He seems almost scared to beat Rafa at times. His play lacks confidence and finality about it. He seems content just keeping the ball in play or trying some outrageous winner. All he needs to do is stick to what he does best; confidently belt the ball to the bylines with pinpoint precision and the rest will follow. But the Nadal is a different cookie altogether! “The man from Mallorca” as the call him, has a knack of returning the best of shots and you really need to have something special to beat him. And Federer has it. He just doesn’t know it. Rafa is having a purple patch when he is at the peak of his prowess and the game doesn’t have another player like him. Federer as a consequence is suffering from having to adapt to the “new” game that Rafa plays. Plus he is left handed making a lot of tough Federer forehands look simple to return. I’m sure in time Federer will sort him out, but the question is simply…will it be soon enough?

While on Tennis, nice to see Sania Mirza win her first grand slam alongside Bhupati. They deserved to win by all means and a convincing trouncing of Ram/Dechy will definitely inspire confidence for the pair. I really do feel Mirza is more suited to mixed doubles with a proven net player like Bhupati because she has the powerful groundstrokes to trouble even the men in mixed doubles! Hope this is the first of many!

Right then….I still have a lot to say about 3 books I have read over the last week, my victory over the Barclay’s Card Priority Circle Membership guys (Woo! Hoo!), my switch from Airtel to Vodaphone and some other stuff. But for now, I’m tired, exhausted and really need to get some sleep before tomorrow considering that it is already past midnight! Whew! So catchya ltr..alligator!

Monday, January 19, 2009

So....what's the point anyway??

I find myself thinking along these lines rather often. "So...what's the point anyway??"

No, seriously...what is the point? Of everything. Work, life..etc etc. Whats the point?

This is possibly going to be by far the most random blog post i have ever written because very honestly i have no idea what the point of it is!! But i feel the need to write it down nevertheless at this i will. Afterall whats the point of not writing it either!!

So where's all this coming from?? Well, I'm not sure of that either!

But don't you go into this phase in life when you are not really sure where life is headed? What are you really doing? and more importantly...why are you doing it? Sometimes you just can't see the bigger fact very often you can't see the bigger picture! (And this is not just because i can't appreciate art!) Sometimes i seriously doubt if there even is a bigger picture! I really do think it is an elaborate hoax...this "Bigger Picture" crap. You mean i work all my life to teach myself to appreciate the bigger picture without really being able to appreciate the smaller aspects? Seriously, how can you really appreciate the smaller aspects in their right context till you know the bigger picture?? And by the time you realise the bigger picture, you don't really remember the smaller aspects to appreciate them!!!

Like for example you slog your ass off through school and college and then when you are 25 nobody really gives a damn how much you scored!!(Well, me being the quintessential south Indian nerd did slog my ass off. Did get told how my life would have no meaning unless i scored 90 odd percentage and how the world would implode and life as we know it would cease to exist if i didn't get into yes...i did slog! If you didn't...well...good on you! But you don't know how difficult life can there!!!) So things that suddenly seem Oh so important and take up a cart load of your time will probably mean a little less than nothing very soon. Then you turn back and say...."So...what was the point of all that anyway??"

I do feel i am wasting away my life in a lot of ways without really realising it. When i got up on august 5 last year i suddenly realised that i was 24 and had just sleep walked through the last 16 odd years!!(i say 16 because i am assuming that its alright to bawl, crawl and in general have no idea about life for the first if you already had your life planned out by the time you were 6...then woo hoo!!good on you!!) Don't get me wrong, i'm not regretting anything i have done in this time cos it all has made me into the person i am now (Which i am very proud of by the way) but somehow it all feels....for the lack of a better some sense atleast! There are so many things i didn't know of, didn't experience, didn't think of and so on and so forth which i look back on and wonder ...what if.....

It would probably have resulted in me having a total different life right now. Different approach, different mentality, different everything....and then a different destination! So you see....since i didn't have any idea of the bigger picture then...i did what i had to, to survive in the dog eat dog world and then realised that i was a dog eating dogs thinking they tasted like chicken!! (not the best analogy...but you get it!). So yeah....while we could read a book to know why bread always falls with the buttered side down...what's the point??

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Whew!! What a week!!

So, we finally have a go ahead on the launch date of the new channel. (That's WB for the uninitiated). A bit late in the day to really give us enough time, especially someone as green as me in the field...but hey!!....this means loads of work...woo hoo!!(Well not really...but woo hooish nevertheless)

But before i get distracted by work stuff....let me focus on stuff that is actually important.

Manchester United 3 - 0 Chelsea

How good that does sound?? Did United beat chelsea?? hell no!! 1 - 0 would have been a beating. 2 - 0 a sound beating...but this?..This was a thrashing of the royal kind! And the best part is that United never got out of second gear!!! A lot of players i have not been too impressed by this season really came forth here. Giggsy after so many glorious years in service of the club was starting to fade away this season but against Chelsea he really shone! The kind of command and desire he showed in mid field would have put the so called mid field generals of Chelsea like Ballack, Deco and Lampard to shame! Chelsea's 3 man midfield was in the back pocket of United's 35 year old winger turned midfielder!!
So Ronaldo didn't really live upto his billing as the best player in Europe and the top scorer last season was not even 20% of what he could be, but in a wonderful win like this, all is forgotten. (He also won the World Player of The Year a few days more trophy!)
Rooney was as usual all over the place playing like a man possessed and his role in United's creative but dis allowed goal was splendid. The corner routine to result in that goal was a piece of creative brilliance...sadly though the refree's assistant, was clueless about the rules and ruled the goal out! a real shame!

Anyway...coming back to the original point...i returned to the week with renewed vigour after seeing the events of the weekend unfold and was promptly greeted with more work than i could handle. Earlier, when i had been relatively freerer, i had wished that i had more work to do than i had time for rather than waste my oh-so-precious time. (But then again...its not like i knew what i would rather do than waste my it's kind of a pointless point...if you know what i mean!) Whoever said, "Be careful what you wish for..." was probably the smartest person around! Within a day i was so swamped in work i had no clue when the day was starting and ending. I was coming home just to hit the sack and get back up on time for office the next day!

Nevertheless, i still managed to sneak in some time to watch Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. Two classic movies which really got me thinking that movies are no longer of the same vein as these truly funny earlier ones. Even Sting had a sense of humour in Lock, Stock...
Bill and Ted...had a very young Keanu Reeves and its hard to imagine this scrawny, dumbass kid playing the lead in Speed and Matrix!! How times change!! I have then of course very religiously downloaded the second installment of the series called Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey. Plan to watch it one of these days.

Apart from all this, i finally managed to finish Arctic Event which is written by James Cobb along the lines of a series created by Robert Ludlum. It was quiet a nice book. The author has taken a lot of literary licenses to highten the suspense and make the book interesting and immensely likable, but then that is expected. Inspite of this, the book is good and quiet a page turner. (That i took a week to finish is no indication of this, i know. But really, its good!) However i feel sorry for James Cobb. The guy writes the book, but his name gets mentioned in much smaller text than Ludlum's name, cos ludlum is the bigger guy. Unfair, don't you think??? Marketers suck!

Anyways that's it for today. My foray back into blogging after i don't know how many days, months, years has not been so bad, hope it continues! Anyway so till next Bill and Ted said...."Be Excellent to each other and PARTY ON DUDES!!!" (Even Ab lincoln in the movie says that!! Watch it!)