Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sense of Humour....

....or is it nonsense of humour??

Picking up from my previous post, have u realised how you suddenly become really funny when you are drunk? Forget you, have you realised how the general sense of humour quotient of the whole room goes up when you are drunk? Everything is funny....even a glass of water. It's just so hilarious that there is a glass of water just sitting there...on the table...looking at you...judging....


...the reason i bring it up is bocs, on my way back from said trip earlier...i was stopped by the UK Border something something (I don't remember. honestly..) at the coach station. give u some background....i was drunk, and I had travelled by bus which makes u more high for some reason...and I had been listening to "Hold me, thrill me..." on the iPod...which is highly I was well....buzzed...

So the guy gets into the bus before anyone can get off and says..."Please keep some incentive vacation ready cos we are changing all gravel hers" Actually that's what i heard. In hindsight, he probably said "Please keep some ID ready cos we are checking all travellers". Luckily though my lack of understanding didn't make much difference as I saw others handing him IDs and did the same (somehow sight still trumps hearing in these circumstances).

When i got to him, he looked at me and said "are you a student?". My reaction was to look him straight (or atleast as straight as I could) in the eye....for about 2 minutes. After this rather long silence, during which I had an expression like he had asked me the square root of 23, he said..."sir, are you a student?". To which I intelligently replied..."Maybe". Now let me that time it seemed the right thing to do....i don't know who he why am i answering his questions? My mother taught me not to talk to strangers....

But it wasn't a very wise choice obviously and I was asked to wait while they did a number of checks and took all details including my neighbour's pet dog's name...

The cool (read: ass freezing especially since I did not have the jacket) wind jolted me sufficiently back to reality for me to get away from there with some dignity intact. (I even managed to give them a hard time about a check earlier during which they caused a friend to miss the coach etc etc. Woo Hoo!!) I don't think they'll ever stop me again....

But......i like to think that I have a good sense of humour you know...

and i also think that it's not for everyone...

like the other day..(read: 5 hrs back)...I was talking to my friend and this is how the conversation went:

Friend: That guy is a real player
Me: I prefer Winamp

Now i was forced to apologise for what i thought was a very very intelligent i's about knowing your audience at the end of the day....


Metzy said...

Hehe ... Winamp is better man !!!

tomboyadi said...

haha..gud one...i agree, Winamp is better..!! ;)