Sunday, February 18, 2007

Prison Break: Season 1

Man how i loved this series!

I am an avid book reader. I devour books like crazy! I cannot put a book down once i start reading it. I read through the night sometimes to finish a book! (I got Da Vinci Code one day in the afternoon and read it continuously till night to finish it! I did the same with Angels and Demons, Five Point Someones and many other books). But i never considered myself a movie buff or serial buff. You know the kind that know everything about a movie etc.

But this series has totally changed my outlook to all that. Not that i am a huge movie buff now...but just that i can't wait for the next season.

Let me start from the start.....

People at office kept on talking about Heros and I kinda got the i went round asking for the VCD to watch at home. But i didn't get it and instead watched the pilot on TV ages later. I got hooked and asked for the VCD even more. Then people kept telling me to forget bout 'Heros' and watch 'Prison Break'..."it's lot more entertaining"...they said. Ok then lets try it. I have always been a sucker for the strategy type of books, games, movies etc. I love thinking bout the next step and see somebody else execute a plan. (Ocean's 11 anyone?) But then how good could it be hanh?

So i get the first 3 episodes and i was hooked! Man it was brilliant! Where on earth do people come up with stories like this? It was brilliant and i had to have more. It became a purpose in life all in itself! It was like an addiction and i had withdrawal symptoms. So i finally get the CD and guess what its in DVD format which my player doesn't support. So i actually go to a poor friend's house at 9:00 in the evening and stay there till 11. Copy the episodes onto his laptop and then onto the iPod and get it home.

And about 15 mins back i just finished watching the last episode of season 1 and let me assure you it's no mean task watching 22 episodes in 2 days. each episode beong 45 mins long. But then the series deserved that sort of dedication and fan following and thats what it got!

Anyway! Here i am now looking up for Prison Break stuff on the net and writing about it so you know how i feel about it. Ufortunatly i havn't figured out how to upload if anyone can help me there...i'll put up a lot of great 'Prison Break' pics as well!!

Check out Series info here!

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