Sunday, June 17, 2012

What TV taught me…

It is universally believed that the television, though a great medium of entertainment, is called the ‘idiot box’ for a reason. They say you miss out on life and don’t get any real life experiences. You don’t go out, fall down, get up again and learn from your mistakes. You watch nonsensical, mind numbing shows and movies all day long. So in a nut shell, it turns you into an idiot.

I beg to differ.

I feel that watching TV hour after hour has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. And I don’t mean this simply from the point of view of the endless laughs, countless gun fights, chilling frights or thrilling suspense. I mean this from the point of view of real life lessons.

TV showed me the meaning of life…

F.R.I.E.N.D.S. and How I Met Your Mother have taught me that life is more than your job. It doesn’t matter what you do at work. In fact, it doesn’t even matter if you work. What matters is what you do when you are not at work. They have taught me that the moments that you will always remember come when you least expect it. Having a beer with people who get you is more important than spreadsheets, budgets and targets. So get out….and have some fun…

TV taught me about people…..

Weeds, Dexter, Swordfish and Prison Break have taught me that people who do things that are traditionally thought of as bad, are not always bad. 24 has taught me that people who do things ‘for the greater good’, are not always good. Leverage has shown me that “good or bad people” is simply a matter of where you stand. John Q showed me that good people do bad things while Fast Five showed me that bad people can do good things.

TV taught me about family…

Star Wars showed me that even guys have daddy issues. Thor taught me that even Gods have daddy issues. Harry Potter was proof that your parents never truly leave you alone. Home Alone was proof that sometimes your parents will literally leave you alone.

TV gave me direction…

Fight Club and Transporter taught me to play by the rules. Pirates of the Caribbean taught me that rules are more a set of guidelines. South Park, Family Guy and Seinfeld taught me the importance of laughing at myself. Never take yourself too seriously. The Hulk was evidence of what pent up anger can do. Californication taught me that “Shit be Happening”. Sound of Music taught me that it’s alright to break into song and dance about nothing at all.

TV helped me decide what sort of person to be….

The Big Bang Theory told me that it’s alright to be a geek. You can still have a good job, fun friends and a hot girlfriend. Batman Begins told me that it’s not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me. Superman taught me that it’s not what I do, but who I am that’s important.

TV taught me about clothes….

In Pursuit of Happiness taught me that clothes don’t make a man. Suits, Pretty Woman, the Ocean’s movies and Men in Black taught me that no matter what I do, it matters what I wear. Barney taught me that a suit can be worn anywhere. Superman taught me the importance of underwear.

TV gave me an insight into work….

The Devil wears Prada taught me that a job you’re not cut out for can be a stepping stone to something better. The Firm and The Godfather taught me how to deal with politics at work. House and N.C.I.S. showed me that if your boss is an ass, he’s doing it for your own good. Horrible Bosses showed me that if your boss is an ass, he is an ass. Charlie’s Angles showed me that if you only talk to your boss on the phone, it’s the best situation.

TV taught me about love….

Gone with the Wind taught me that I shouldn’t give a damn. Ghost taught me the true meaning of undying love. Corpse Bride taught me about undead love. Star Trek taught me to love aliens. Free Willy and Ace Ventura taught me to love animals. Planet of the Apes taught me to love alien animals. Castle, F.R.I.E.N.D.S. and Bones taught me that if you really love someone, to be patient about it. Marshall and Lily taught me not to be patient. To impress a girl, Ross taught me to be caring and considerate. The Ugly Truth taught me to be obnoxious.

TV taught me about women…

Sex and the City taught me that women are a lot like men. Mrs. Doubtfire and White Chicks taught me that sometimes, women are men.

TV taught me about God…

Bruce Almighty taught me that God has a sense of humour. Clash of the Titans taught me that God is as flawed as man. Bewithched showed me that the Devil….is a woman.

TV taught me to question…

The Matrix asked me to question everything because nothing is what it seems. Don’t believe in something just because somebody told you it was so. Inception backed it up.

TV gave me culture….

My Fair Lady taught me English. Amelie taught me French. Star Trek taught me Klingon. Avatar taught me Navi. The Thomas Crown Affair, Ocean’s Twelve and White Collar taught me art. As did the Da Vinci Code. Spartacus taught me about ancient Rome. Troy taught me about ancient Greece.

So what are you doing reading this? Go learn something…go watch some TV….