Sunday, May 13, 2012

Marvelous Mavel's Avengers Assemble...

Yes ok...first off...before I launch into my monologue of how amazing and marvelous Marvel's latest magnum opus is...I should admit...i'm not the biggest fan of the title Avengers Assemble (in the UK anyway, so that it does not conflict with the older movie with Sean Connery I think...) but come on...that's in reality a small concession when compared with the sheer awesomeness of the actual movie!

So it brings together Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Hulk, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Nick Fury and Loki....yes yes Loki is the bad guy, but he's there...and he's pretty cool we'll count him as well..

The world is in danger (cos Loki has some grand plans and all that) but the real reason why Avengers is so awesome is the smaller points. Forget Stark's suit, Hawk eye's cool bow and arrow contraption and Thor's hammer ( no pun intended)...the real moments are in the dialogue. Full marks to the main man..Joss Whedon for picking up this Hulk of a movie (pun intended) and creating small moments all through it that you have to love. For anybody who doubted Whedon's ability to take this cast of the biggest superheroes the world has seen and make a relatively memorable your face!! He's nailed it and how!!

So what are the small points? Here's a few:

Awesome Dialogue #1:

during the fight scene between Thor and Iron Man in the jungle somewhere...

Thor: You know not what you do..( or some such)

Iron Man: Oh? Shakespeare in the Park? ok. Doth thou mother know that you weareth her drapes?

I mean....that was ROTFLMAO!! It was just perfectly set up and delivered! 

Awesome Dialogue #2:

Thor: Watch what you say. He's my brother (Or some such)

Black Widow: He just killed 80 people in 2 days...

Thor: (Without missing a beat) He was adopted

You just had to laugh out loud!!! Brilliant!

Awesome Dialogue #3:

When Stark meets Banner for the first time...

Stark: Dr. Banner...I love your work on (some scientific thingy)...and especially the way you turn into an uncontrollable green rage monster...

Banner: hmm...Thanks

Now, credit must got o Ruffalo for a great Hulk. He seemed like this little harmless little man who was trying his best to hide from everything. Unassuming and very quiet. A good Banner to the big bad Hulk..

Awesome Dialogue #4:

One of my favourites...this was a very onlique reference and most people probably didn't get it...

When Stark walks in and talks about something (again sciency stuff and I don't remember the exact dialogue because the next line was so awesome...) he looks at Thor and goes...

Stark: Ok Point Break..what is it..

Point Break of course being a reference to Thor's haircut which is similar to Patrick Swayze's from the movie....wait for it.....Point Break!! I mean come have to love it!!

Awesome Dialogue #5:

Again a movie reference....and of my favourites!!

When Captain Rogers.....or Captain America...if you prefer giving orders to the troops of super awesome heroes...he orders Hawkeye to take a position up top to survey and give tactical help. He asks iron Man to sly up high and attack...

So Haekeye asks Iron Man to give him a lift upto the top of the building...and then...Stark calls have to love this.......Legolas!! That's right!! The archer dude from LOTR!! I mean how cool is that!! Superheroes referencing fantasy movies!! priceless!!

Awesome Dialogue #6:

Ok and this has to be the "Take the cake" dialogue of them all!!

So Captain America gives everybody directions and then he turns to now you expect him to say something like..."And you Hulk...make sure you take out as many of them as you can and cover the rest of us.."

But no! He does something totally cool....he just takes the most awesome Hulk dialogue of all time (and probably the most famous comic dialogue and turns it on its head...)

He turns to Hulk and says....

And Hulk...Smash!

I mean...that is just pure genious!! I think even Hulk liked it!!

So that's it from me!! All reasons why the Avengers is the record breaking, super...superhero movie you have to watch and later...own! (On DVD of course...or blu ray...I don't condone piracy!!)

So...until the next Marvel super hero movie...I'm going to go relive these moments....(yes...I have a very lame life!)