Friday, July 8, 2011

Occam's Razor

No....Occam's is not a brand like Gillette...and no this is not a blog about my experiences during any way, shape or form....

It is, as the name suggests, a quest for answers......

Not really.....but I would like to raise a few questions.....

But before I go there...let me atleast explain my blog title...right? Now Occam's Razor is a very simple principle...."The simplest explanation is probably the right one"

Now that sounds simple enough right?....but it invariably never works in life now, does it? Too simple an explanation makes you wonder, is that really true? Can that be possible? Is that the right thing? Do I deserve life to be that simple? (Just to clarify, these are not the aforementioned questions..)

Like, if the friendly neighbourhood spider offered you a free ride.....oops sorry...did I say spider...i meant cabbie. (I can see how spider would be freaky...unless you were the citizens of Gotham city...then you would be....wait a min..was it Gotham city or Metropolis? get the point). Your first reaction would be to go to the guy right next to him who charges you an arm and a leg.....and a liver for good measure. Why? well because, you, me and the average Joe are not used to acts of charity now, are we? We expect to be ripped off, so surely he can't be doing this out of the goodness of his heart now, can he? The world is not full of rainbows and bunnies and babies....(ok it is full of babies..but not the other two, even in Liverpool where it rains and sun shines brightly all at the same time! you would expect rainbows galore wouldn't you....but no!!!..and for all the things they say about bunnies, where is a bunny when you are trying to disprove a point, hanh??)....

or when a major media company decides to start their own social network thingy....the obvious thing is, you tried it once, it didn't work. there is already a site that does all that you promise and more and it is growing all the time. People are tired of having multiple networks, it is tiring. People will get bored. Stay with what you are so awesomely good at and let people be. Don't try to plus your way....(i obviously meant plug...must have been a typo)... into their lives!! But no!! we will try...complicate lives, send out invites and so on and so forth....

so...anyway....why I came to this topic is that.....I have this little thing to's called a Dissertation....where I have to analyse a topic and present my recommendations after 15000 utterly boring, meaningless words! Now see, right here is where Occam's Razor would apply...

While making the course modules, somebody ought to have said..."Let the kid's get some work experience and then just write up something about it...or better still we'll just ask the employers to rate their performance" I mean it's an what are you going to well I understand the business right?....but no!!! we want you to spend time, effort, money and well...time mainly....writing 15-goddamn-thousand words on it! Why oh why would anyone want to do that...and why -oh-why would anyone want to read that?? know what....i am taking ti seriously nevertheless. It is something that needs to be done and it needs to be done right. So....i started with what it is called...a "Dissertation". Ta da!! right way definition, it is a "Desertation" I will "desert" it. And so....I haven't really gotten started! Woo hoo! Now come on...this is not my fault...U call it something that deserves desertion, then I just have to follow instructions right?....

Ah well...if only life were that simple....Or maybe it is.....

Maybe it is all about crossing the road....maybe the chicken had all the know what...i think the chicken deserves it's own post.....

Saturday, July 2, 2011


You want be high ...for this

...that's what the soundtrack on this promo says, and you really have to be high, to want to end this absolutely amazing series or deal with the fact that it is ending!! And even then they do it with such style....

check out this image's one of the best I have seen in a long time...

It does give you goosebumps doesn't it....

I mean move over Friends, Prison Break, HIMYM, and whatever else...This is the real deal!

And the best part is that there is no real story line overarching the whole series like most other series have to have....

It's just there....5 guys chilling, faffing, making fools of themselves, living the life and well....doing what we normal people do...but at a celebrity level!

The whole concept of a group of guys around a celebrity could have so ended up with a totally cliched series, but the writers and creators really did pull a rabbit or two out of the hat with the way they treated it...

And what else can you expect from Mark Wahlberg? The guy might have been the rather unsuccessful Marky Mark at some time, but there's no doubting him as a Hollywood superstar now!

My favourite character among the lot is still the man, the agent, the fastest talker in Hollywood...Ari Gold!!

I don't think there is another character in television who can be so acerbic, insulting and ir-reverant and yet totally likeable! Jeremy Piven has absolutely nailed the character and killed it! It's credit to Piven that the original Ari, on who the character is based, was insistent that Piven needed to play his role or noone would! And what an inspired casting it is! I just wait for Ari's scenes to see what new interesting, homo-phobic, expletive filled, long, complicated insult he comes up with!

I should also mention the brilliant score Entourage always has...I have download numerous songs just hearing them on the soundtrack. If you have any doubts just listen to the song in the video on top. All the songs are perfect for the moment, and probably ones you have not heard of before (atleast I hadn't) but still absolutely amazing!

Anyway, I can't wait till July to catch the last 8 episodes and the impending movie after that. I sincerely hope that they start missing the series towards the end and bring it back for future seasons. But I also know that it wouldn't be a wise move. Might as well go out on a high...and boy...are these guys on a high or what!!

So....I have to be high for this....